
"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Core Differences Between The US and Costa Rica-Follow the History

Just a note: For some this my seem political. It is not for me. It is simply my general observations and not intended to hurt anyone's feelings in any way.

Since I have moved to Costa Rica I have been noticing, not so subtle, differences. Glaring, in my face, heart bending differences.

Being 67 years old I have lived through so many changes in the United States and very little for the better. Even some with good intentions ended in no change, or made things worse.

Let's start with busing. How has this improved things in any way? You can argue until you are blue in the face and blame it on "No Child Left Behind," but the truth is they did lower the standards in the school academics and everyone has suffered for it. I know this because I know how I was taught, and I've seen how the next generations have been taught. How is literacy doing in the US? Mathematics? How do we stack up against the rest of the world? Why not improve all the schools, and let the children stay by their neighborhoods? Hire teachers who can pass the "Standardized Test."

Next they decided discipline should be removed from the school. First no spanking, then no touching of any kind, then no removal from class because it might hurt the self image of the juvenile delinquent. This is all done at the expense of the students that are trying to learn. Teachers can be sued for anything in the area of discipline. They are always considered guilty before proven innocent. If not, they would not be fired from their teaching jobs before the whole truth is known. I can understand this as far as sexual allegations, but even those are used against some teachers just to get even with them by a disrespectful student who doesn't even respect themselves.

Now, let's take God and prayer out of the schools. Do not say this belongs in the home. What happened to "It takes a village?" When God and prayer were removed from the schools the discipline and behavorial problems went up quickly. They are not being taught about God and to love their neighbor at home. Behavior problems have grown steadily in schools, and it is easily traceable to prayer being removed if you will just look. If you do not know what is expected of you by God, and you have no fear of punishment then you have no boundaries. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

How about letting the teachers teach the subjects they are hired and educated in to be teaching instead of constantly preparing students to pass a standardized test that shows a pass/fail for the student and the teacher? If a percentage of students do not pass the schools funding is cut back or completely off. How does that benefit the students? Why not go back to teaching the student the subject. If the student fails the subjects the student fails the year. Why are we punishing the whole school?

Why are we allowing truancy and drop outs? Boundaries...Consequences...Set Expectations and do not waver from them. What was so wrong with these teachings that the ability of coping with the world, so you could be of service to your community taken away?

Speaking of respect....When I was in school there were pictures of Washington, Lincoln, and the present President on every class wall. We were taught that these people deserved our respect. Now kids are using the "F" word when addressing anything to do with whoever the present leader of our country is. Why are they not being taught that you do not have to like everything they do. They are human, too, but you do owe them respect. Imagine.....

Now for the differences. Costa Rican children have never been bused across town. The parents here are, however, allowed to choose which public school they want them to attend. The choice is not restricted to the school in their neighborhood. They are responsible to make sure they get to school. If their children skip school, or are absent all the time, the government goes after the parent! They know they are responsible as a parent to see to the education of their children, and if they do not someone will make them. It is NOT the child's responsibility. It is a strong pride element for the parent. Maybe this is why the children stay in school, pass their grades, and the country is 98.7% literate. There are no options. You pass school. Imagine, 98.7%! This also correlates with the lack of crime in Costa Rica. Education creates the path to self confidence, character, supporting yourself, your family and respect for your neighbor.

The schools in Costa Rica still say the pledge of allegiance to their country standing with their hands on their hearts. They still sing their National Anthem and they still say prayer in school. They are not afraid of hurting anyone's feelings by showing love for the country they live in and their God. Just the three small disciplines teach the children respect and love of their country, their families and their creator.

All of this ties into the family unit. Generations of families still share property and human values. There can be a home for the grand parents, parents and children all living on the same land. They love each other and respect is taught to all the younger children, so when they become the adults and teach it to their children they will be respected and not considered a drain on family. Instead, they are loved and cared for in their later years. Even if families are not living in the same area the grown children respect and look after their aging parents with kindness. It has been amazing to me to see a whole country behave in this way. LOVE AND REPSECT FOR FAMILY.

For me the most glaring differences are educational expectations, true consequences, love of God and Country, and respect.

This is not a total knock to the US. There are amazing parents who live their lives with respect and see to it that their children become responsible and loving adults. If the masses did this the crime rate would not be even close to what it is. Just watching the news immediately after the hurricanes hit was a great example of a missing moral compass in many. People breaking into stores to steal shoes and any thing else they can take from someone else that they want? This speaks volumes. Of course, the opposite applies to the many many who sprung into immediate action to help in any way they could. Unfortunately, it does seem to take a tragedy to bring people together in the US anymore.

I love the United States. I knew the horrible problems before I left. It has just really jarred me seeing how the majority of those problems are not everywhere. I pray for my country and the world we live in.

Footnote: I did not move away from the United States for any of these reasons. I moved because there was no hope of me retiring and being able to support myself there. I did, however, choose Costa Rica for my ability to support myself and the country's core values.

Pura Vida!

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