
"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Adventure In My Own Neighborhood

As most of you know we are in the rainy season in Costa Rica. It rains almost every day starting around 2:00 PM. It can be earlier. It can be later, but rarely does it not rain at all. I personally love it. Soon as it gets close to raining the temperatures drop, the wind picks up and the air smells so fresh. If you are smart you get out in the morning and get all your running around done, so you can come home and enjoy the cooler temp and the sound of the rain. Also, the country is beautiful right now. Everything is lush green and in bright bloom. The banana trees have all come up with their gorgeous large leaves and they are producing. I will be sad to see the season go.

My banana tree.

After it rains I always hear rushing water. I knew there was a natural spring close to me where our water comes from for all the homes in my barrio. Manuel had told me when the rainy season is over we will hike up there and see it. Well, you know me! I could not wait. Tuesday I decided to venture back there with my camera and see. Soon as I went through the gates I found the source of the rushing water. There is a creek back there with big rocks. This is literally behind the houses in front of me. All the rain rushes down from the mountain through this creek. I'm sure there are others, but this is the closest to me.

As I continued my walk on the road Javier came toward me. Javier is the sweet man that cuts my grass. Well, surprise of all surprises he is the caretaker of the property back there that belongs to a man named Juan. I was in shock. It is absolutely, out of a fairy tale book, gorgeous. Again, this is literally behind the houses right in front of me. There are a lot of trees and creek between us too, but it was so close. The property included a creek and a beautiful hacienda, detached game room with pool table, extraordinary grounds with stables and show horses trained to high step, an outdoor grill and party area, tilapia pond, citrus trees everywhere, large cages with parrots and cows up the hillside! I did not get to meet the owner as he was not home, but I did meet his horse attendant and walked around his house and grounds.

Needless to say...I never made it to the area where our water comes from. I totally forgot about it when my eyes fell on this place and Javier and his darling son, Adrian, showed me around.

My treat from Javier was a large bag of tangerines!

Pura Vida!

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