
"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Friday, January 11, 2019

Christmas in Costa Rica

December was a very busy month. Unfortunately, at the same time I had to learn to live without my laptop. The repair people here had to order the part from the States. I tried to get on my blog from my phone, but it would not let me in from there. Lesson learned. If you move outside the US and want to stay in touch with all your amigos and needs I am of the opinion you need either a tablet or spare computer. The ability to repair your electronics is here, but the supplies have to be ordered.

I flew in from my visit to Texas on Nov. 30th, and the first Christmas party here was Dec. 1st. Believe me when I say you do not have to worry about moving to Costa Rica without your friends. I cannot remember a Christmas season ever with this many parties and events to attend. There was my first CR high school graduation, Chichirones Festival with Christmas music as the theme, three birthday parties with one being a quinceanera, four Christmas parties and a New Year's Eve party.

The high school graduation here in Costa Rica is very different. Students here only go to school for 11 years not 12 like in the US. They do not graduate by alphabetical order. It was pretty random. They have entertainment! They had singers singing popular pop songs from the US sung in English, belly dancers that performed two numbers and at the end a really great mariachi band played. It was fun but took two hours with a small class. Two of my favorite Tico teens graduated.

Then there were all the parties.

Because I had to go home in November to take care of my house I was not able to turn around and go right back for Christmas. My sweet neighbors and family here in Costa Rica invited me to spend Christmas with them and their family. It was wonderful. They are so much like my family. They love each other, never argue over anything and laugh and laugh. They are just pure joy as are most of the Tico people. When they say "pura vida" they mean it. It is a way of life here.

I did make my homemade eight dozen chocolate chip cookies to give as gifts to my neighbors. I also made my annual Christmas photo with my dogs Gigi and Arianna, but was unable to post my Christmas wish for all of you this year. I hope everyone enjoyed a very blessed Christmas. Now to see what 2019 brings!

Pura Vida!

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