
"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Monday, March 19, 2018

On the Caja

I have jumped the last hurdle before I become a legal resident of Costa Rica. I was approved as a resident in December, but because of the holidays and backlog I am finally reaching the end. I went to the Caja Office (State Medical System), had to show my passport, rental contract, my monthly electric and water bills, my phone and internet bills, and an average of my monthly food bill. I also had to produce my Social Security papers showing what amount I receive each month. With all this they calculated my monthly charge for medical care and approved me!

I did take my friend, Cathy Klein, with me as my interpreter. If you do not speak very good Spanish do not attempt this on your own. She was able to find out exactly what they were telling me, helped me fill in the Spanish paperwork and get the amount.

My medical covers all doctor appointments, exams, any procedures I might need for a price of 23,500 Colones or $44.00 a month. This also includes prescriptions for free! The Caja carries most meds, but if they do not have what I need or do not have one that works the same then I would have to go to a different pharmacy and pay for it. I was surprised at the cost because my attorney had told me to expect around $80.00 a month which I was thrilled with. $44.00 is better!

I am now waiting to hear from my attorney, Roberto Umana, on the date and time to go to the immigration office, sign my final papers to become a legal resident of Costa Rica and receive me sedula which is my card proving my legal rights to live here. Happy day!

Pura Vida!

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