
"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets." Nido Qubein
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." Jim Rohn

Friday, April 14, 2017

Poco a Poco

When I was in Costa Rica exploring the option of retiring there 5 years ago I was told by my friend, George Lundquist, I would need to learn to take things slowly. Be patient. That is a tall order for a girl that has been living in a large city most of her life. I drive like a bat out of hell to get to work everyday, and 9 hours later do the same thing to get home. I'm rushing at work and rushing to everywhere I go. Now now now!!!!

I am already learning the lesson of "poco a poco;" little by little. I am on top of it...Soon as I got home from my trip 3 weeks ago I immediately researched how and where to get my apostilles for my residency status in CR. I quickly got the papers together, overnighted them to Austin with an overnight return envelope. 6 days later I came home from work and my return envelope was on the front porch. I excitedly opened it ready to see my apostilles and ship them straight to my attorney in Costa Rica. I was stopped dead in my tracks. Only the background check had an apostille. I sent my original birth certificate and my papers from Social Security. They rejected the birth certificate saying I needed a more recent one...hold the phone! They seriously rejected my original birth certificate with all the info required on it and the State Seal. I had to send off for a new copy of my birth certificate! Another overnight envelope with another overnight return envelope. The Social Security papers that came from the US government to me they said I needed to sign somewhere on the page with a notary! We had to draw lines to sign on.

Yesterday my birth certificate was on my front porch, and I had my Social Security papers notarized. So, I put it back together and sent them overnight to Austin with another overnight enclosed envelope. This has become very expensive.

What I thought would be an easy one week process turned into over 2 weeks, and it will probably be another 6 days before my overnight envelope lands on my front porch again. Hopefully, this time with apostilles. Poco a poco.....I'm trying!

Pura Vida!

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